Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Discover the Top 3 Things Women Need to Start Doing to Get More Dates and Become More Attractive


Do wish there was some magic way you could just snap your fingers and you'd find out exactly what men really wanted? That would be great I am sure most women would do it in a heartbeat if they could. Unfortunately, there is no magic button like that in the world. This doesn't mean that you just need to give up though. In fact, I'd like to go ahead and share with you 3 simple things that you can change this week that will make you more attractive to the opposite sex, even when it seems like nothing else will work.

Dating Tip #1-

The first thing you need to do is become active in your lifestyle. Most men complain that women just like to sit around and talk on the phone or watch TV. They sometimes feel that it's difficult to find something in common with a lot of women because many women don't have a lot of interests. The more active someone is in their life the more attractive they become. We're all attracted to people that go out and do things versus that ones that sit home and watch TV all day. It's important for you to find out what you like to do and go out and do it. You need to show men that you're a busy woman that has a lot going on in your life. This will help you exude more confidence and ultimately become more attractive to men.

Dating Tip #2-

This tip is similar to what you read about in the first tip. Men and women alike both love someone who works out and is active. Of course the person you see jogging on the side of the road is going to be more attractive than the person that doesn't work out. Exercising has a list of benefits a mile long and it doesn't need any explaining here. The fact is men are more visual creatures and they're going to value a woman more that keeps herself in shape and looks nicely in her clothing.

Dating Tip #3-

The last thing you can quickly change is your outlook on life and the people around you. Nobody wants to be around a negative, sarcastic person. It's important that you try and be uplifting and make whoever you're around a better person. After all, that's what life is all about. The best way to do this is to feel good about yourself. If you don't feel good about yourself it's hard to positive towards other people. The way you can feel good about yourself is what I mentioned in the first tip, you need to go out and be active which will in turn create confidences. A more active, confident, happy you will ultimately create a better world for everyone, especially if you're trying to attract the opposite sex.